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WMG / Beastieball

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All of nature is connected by a giant mushroom network.

Hence why they not only spring up randomly and seemingly grow everwhere, but also why playing Beastieball, directly involving throwing around said mushrooms, improves ecological health.

Redd is the legal guardian of the protagonist.

I mean, who else would it be?

Sprecko will have a somewhat deeper plot involvement.

It is stated to be halfway made out of mushrooms, and those clearly play an important part in the setting, if not the story as a whole.

  • Additionally, it is the only Beastie the player is guaranteed to receive, having to otherwise pick between one of the three starters.

Everyone is a mushroom.

The Beasties? Mushrooms.
The trees? Mushrooms.
You? Mushroom.

The player is secretly a Beastie.

It would explain why they seem to have their own hangout in a nature preserve of all places, not to mention they can apparently understand what Beasties are saying just fine.

There will be a massive nature vs. technology theme.

We have seen in official artwork that there exists what appears to be a futuristic city environment, who's colors suggest it may not exactly be a place of good, and the literal inciting incident is the destruction of a nature preserve.
