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Video Game / Boil Noodles at Night

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Even a simple trip can be dangerous...

Boil Noodles At night is an Itch.Io game made by arydk.

It is a Mundane Horror title that's Exactly What It Says on the Tin, a game about Boiling noodles at night.

You can get the Game Here

[Boil Noodles At Night] contains examples of:

  • Always Night: The Entire game takes place in a single night.

  • Double Subversion: Early in game the Protagionist fears that A strange man is after them, Due to being told by the Store owner he claimed to be their housemate. The man never harms them, but the store owner is a Serial Killer
  • Fetch Quest: the entire game is about getting the supplies to boil noodles.

  • Mundane Horror: The game is just a run to the convience store. That can end with you dead.
