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Video Game / Apex Construct

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Apex Construct is a single-player Action-Adventure for VR headsets (only) by Fast Travel Games for Oculus Quest, PlayStation 4 VR and Steam. The player explores a telefragged Swedish city, fights robots using a bow and shield combination, and tries to figure out what happened to the world and what's true and false in what two A.I.s (Fathr and Mothr) tell you.

Professional critics generally described it as advancing VR gaming, praised the immersion of its combat system and worldbuilding, while faulting repetitive combat and a wide range of immersion-breaking bugs (which were mostly fixed by later updates). The most common user gripe was an underwhelming ending.

Apex Construct contains examples of

  • Adventure-Friendly World: "Radiance" energy harvested from destroyed robots can be spent at vending machines, which dispense an injury-healing beverage and grenades.
  • Apocalyptic Log: Computer terminals contain notes by pre-Shift researchers and previous characters who attempted your missions.
  • Applied Phlebotinum: "Radiance" powers almost everything.
  • Bizarro Apocalypse: "The Shift" has scrambled buildings and ground together and dematerialized all animal life.
  • Deflector Shields: It's a good thing the robots only shoot energy blasts that can be blocked by the (narrow) shield on your bow.
  • Humanity's Wake: Fathr brings you back from the void. You're not the first, and the others were killed by robots.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal and Inventory Management Puzzle: You have six, but only six, slots for healing drinks, grenades, mines, heavy machinery plot tokens and souvenir statuettes. Objects carried in your hands tend to get lost, and objects left behind usually vanish.
  • Mook Chivalry: Despite having a hundred robots to throw at you, Mothr never has more than three attack at one time, and often waits to send the next wave until you've had time to harvest Radiance from the robots you just destroyed and buy and drink a health-restoring beverage from a vending machine. Maybe she can only control three at a time?
  • Stealth-Based Mission: Happens when your weapons dematerialize. Don't worry, when you return to that exact same location in a different mission, nothing will happen.
  • Trick Arrow: Electric arrows can bring down shields and energize door locks. Explosive arrows are much easier to aim than grenades.
