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Video Examples / Drunken Master



Shuten Doji

Shuten Doji is considered one of Japan's three greatest yokai, alongside Tamamo-no-Mae and Otakemaru. These three yokai are given particular recognition for being only three yokai whose remains are supposedly presereved in Byodo-in, Uji. A long time ago, Shuten Doji lived in Mount Oe, Tanba Province, and would occasionally attack the capital accompanied by his demon underlings. Under orders from the emperor, Minamoto no Yorimitsu and his four retainers, known as the Shitenno, were sent to vanquish him. They suceeded in weakening him with poisonous sake granted to them by the gods, allowed them to kill him. This led to Yorimitsu's sword to thereafter be called Dojikiri or the "Doji Cutter.

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