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Tropers / Thepasswordis

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thepasswordis is a troper.


badass boast :i'm intense so whats you'r excuse.

{[cloudcuckoolander}} : maybe the best example. mixes coffee and tea, sits in the same spot every day, thinks g-rated drugs are real, complains about manga this troper never read, and EVEN SPRAY PAINTED HIS PHONE NUMBER ON A TRUCK!

grated drug :this troper lights one end of a toothpick on fire, stops the fire, puts the toothpick in his mouth, and breaths in the smoke.(may or may not have gotten high on it?)

fanservice :the reason I exist

Getting Crap Past the Radar used the word "fuck" at school, work, in front of my kids, in public speeches, and EVERYWHERE ELSE!

cluster f-bomb see above
