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Tropers / Madprophet

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Hello there! My name is madprophet. I like bugs, horror and a lot of other things that are two vast and numerous to mention here.

Works I like:

Criminal Minds

Gunnerkrigg Court

The Nostalgia Critic and the rest of the Awesome Channel

Steven Universe (Less so than previously, though I still keep up with the show.)

Tropes that apply to me:

Cloud Cuckoo Lander: I get some very strange ideas.

Cluster F-Bomb: I swear a lot in real life.

Purple Prose: I can tend towards this a bit.

Berserk Button: Racism and a few incredibly specific scenarios set me off, hard. Otherwise, I attempt to be a chill dude.

Psycho Psychologist: Some have characterized me as this.

Lovecraft Country: Where I live.
