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Hey folks~ It's X 1 Kyriaki! I'm 18, female, and from the UK (more specifically Scotland), place of freezing cold and rain, etc. I'm into many different things, for example Trauma Center (which is kind of obvious), Megaman X, and Bleach. I enjoy drawing, writing, and listening to music. You can usually find me wandering around like a clueless fool. I don't really find it easy to write about myself...

Feel free to vandalise here:

Hey there! - Flanker 66 (Yo! - Kyri)

Just because I'm friendly like that, I have vandalized your page! FEAR ME AND DESPAI- Oh wait, I was supposed to be all friendly like now. Just... Uh, disregard that last bit. - L3wt (Haha, nice! Thanks for vandalising my page! Wait, that sounds weird too... - Kyri)

Takwin has come to deface your page. So.... somebody think of something witty for me to put here. (Uhh, I don't know! I struggle with witty things! - Kyri)

Hi. I know we don't know each other that well yet, but I already think you're great. Hope to see you around soon. - Arcolops (See you around, hopefully~ - Kyri)

Why hello thar - TheMalignancy (Y hai there, dude. 8D - Kyri)

On Nov. 10, 2010, It was decreed by the will of her royal highness that a "Ms. X 1 Kriaki" shall become a Patron of the Animated Realm. May all who question her see the truest colors, and question no more. May all who spoil her forever see only in black and white, and be a bother no more. And most importantly, may all who have eyes watch, for she knows how to DRAW YOU IN! RomanMyth

Oh hai, Kyriaki! You're always fun to talk to, so just keep on being awesome. - DoctorThunder

*enters carrying the body of 666* Kyrilady. -Hydrall
