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Tropers / Winterwyn

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"Describe Winterwyn here." But... >.<

This is the page describing somebody called winter and/or wyn. She has various interests but is skittish about sharing them. Actually, skittish about everything. But never mind that...

wyn is probably the most people-oriented social phobic you will ever (not) meet. Her utter squeeful fascination with people in general (see deliciousness) fortunately results in more hilarity than drama (she hopes).

In case it hasn't come up in the last five minutes, wyn is a trap, which makes her very interested in gender issues and the non-mainstream identities and orientations that get ignored way too often. She finds the 'trap' meme hilarious for reasons that may never be revealed. You're wondering now, aren't you.

Random interests include people, computers, games, shiny lights, shiny devices, shiny objects, shiny people, shiny shiny, and where was this going again? Oh right, people. wyn is very interested in delicious people but only from a safe distance due to personal issues enumerated above. Also of obsession great interest are what they do and how they treat each other.
