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Tropers / Sayuri

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"Roxas, that's a stick."

"Troper"? Nah... More like "person that reads TVT way too much, even at work because I don't get paid enough to do better".....huh? That's still a troper? Fr*ck!!!

I like a lot of things. Mainly video games, speedrunning, non-fiction books, computer tinkering, ROM hacking, and reddit. I am usually doing at least one of these things when I'm not busy with work or other life stuff.

I don't edit or make pages here very often. However, I have a few favorite articles that I lurk, and in general, if I see errors or wrong statements on pages for media I like, I'll definitely correct it.

I'm also a huge Kingdom Hearts fan. If someone is defacing a KH page or filling them with future game spoilers, or flat out wrong information, let me know so I can fix it... a crime like this cannot go scot-free.

Either way, this is a pretty cool site. Thanks to Mega Mario Man, who got me more into it than I ever was.

Shameless Twitch plug. Also shameless Twitter plug. Thanks for stopping by.

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