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Tropers / Saeglopur

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Sup. I'm a University student originally from the darkest depths of South West England, meaning I have a slight rural accent. I'm studying Archaeology and Ancient History (riveting stuff) and when I have spare time on my hands (i.e. a lot of the time) I enjoy listening to pretentious Indie/Folk/Post-Rock music, playing various musical instruments, reading/watching/listening to anything that involves Stephen Fry, watching Sketch and Stand-Up Comedy, reading Webcomics, watching Anime and reading Manga, (in particular Seinen but I'll watch/read anything with decent characters and a good plot) and of course wasting time on TV Tropes.

I created the page for Inspector Morse, and supplied examples for a whole bunch of stuff, but really, I'm not the most active contributor in the world. I'm mostly here for the forums. Particularly the Music board. You may have noticed that I basically live there. Hello, any Music Board people passing by!

Also, founder of The TV Tropes Album Exchange Club. My membership has been rather erratic lately due to university commitments, but it's still my baby and my pride and joy. *Cough*. Err, I mean, a very good thing. Yes.
