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Tropers / Pepperkuma

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i relate a lot to emu <3☆♡!

hi!!! i'm pepper, i'm an ENFP with tons of energy who is mostly on the anime/game side of tvtropes (ノ≧∀≦)ノ!!

below are some of my favorite shows and media!

  • Princess Tutu: shoujo with an unexpected dark side, my favorite anime <3
  • InuYasha: shounen with an unexpected shoujo side! i grew up watching this and i still love to do so (*¯︶¯*) i prefer the manga to the anime though, and be warned, its SUPER long!!
  • Cardcaptor Sakura: another magical girl anime, but far more light than Princess Tutu. not to say it doesn't have it's dark sides, but overall keeps a lighter air and is such a comfort watch.

    Video Games 
  • Project SEKAI: i've always loved vocaloid and idols, so seeing some of my two favorite things in one mobile game is so <333!! the characters and plot are so well thought out compared to other gacha games i've played as well (≧◡≦) ♡
  • Splatoon: been playing since splatoon 2 and i'm currently on splatoon 3! just overall a fun time and i love the character designs, splatfests and community ✰
