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Tropers / Boxy The Box Worshipper

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Welcome to hell! Motherfuckersssss!
My online persona drawn in the mini-portrait art style of Code Lyoko fangame IFSCL

So, yeah, this is my troper page. I'm Boxy, a random person on the internet interested in the horror genre, murder mysteries, and children fighting demonic artificial intelligences on vitual worlds.

Pronouns are she/her, and I mainly spend my day writing fanfiction and shitposting (Though I don't think any of my works are on this website. If they are, I will scream with pure joy). If I'm not doing either of those things, I'm either crosswicking and wicking media I like (See Shit I Like below for more detail) or making pages for fanfiction of said media that I think REALLY deserve a TV tropes page. I can be found on my tumblr and archive of our own.   

    Shit I Like 

