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Tropers / Awesomewade

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Hello troper, I see that you are lost, and most likely confused about who I am. I am Wade, I'll leave it at that. Honestly, I'm just a guy who dreams of fame, loves gaming, and also has a couple of screws loose in his head.


Lives in Virginia

Sexuality: Asexual

Gender: Male

    Tropes About Me 

    • Affectionate Nickname: I am very prone to giving these to my friends.

    • Beserk Button: Use racial slurs or jokes about suicide around me, and the results aren't pretty.

    • Only Sane Man: I'm seen as this by my friends. It's quite obvious that it's averted on this wiki.

    • Super OCD: I have a problem with most asymmetric shapes and strive for complety equality.
