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Tropers / An Ceithre Marcach

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Overambitious troper studying creative writing at the National University of Ireland, Galway. I identify most strongly as a writer of fiction and poetry but I dabble in other media. I've only recently begun to get my work published — before then, my writing was mainly found in The Slender Man Mythos. I maintain a personal blog where I post whatever bits and pieces I feel don't belong anywhere else, so it's a pretty odd mix.

As well as creative writing, I have an intense love affair with literary studies, especially Old English poetry, which will hopefully be the subject of my Ph D. My third great passion is competitive debating, in which I represent the Literary & Debating Society of NUIG. I also write journalism with College People, The Daily Shift and SIN, and serve as literature editor of the latter.

I like words, is what I'm saying.

    These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things 
