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Troper Wall / arimothereindeer

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I finally have this now.

Click HERE and type "I am a butt" for A FREE NINTENDO SWITCH!

And I have it too. - Heather

*releases a small, cute robotic kitten onto your troper wall* -Ozbourne

fab five Freddy - TheWhistleTropes

This is a pretty empty-looking wall. - Routeferret

Frankly that slightly offensive act in the ALTPT forum game is pretty cringe in my eyes too, not with the gendernaming but with using the username words -Some Libre

obama -Playing_with_boy

  • I appear 2 be treading on grounds untouched since.. This was last edited 2 years ago, wtf? Anyways uh you're cool and stuff and yeah - Zugga-lugga-locoro, G
