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Trivia / Vsauce

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  • Accidentally-Correct Writing: Michael discovered the channel name "Vsauce" on In his short video "The Finnish Coincidence", he recounts his discovery of the word "viisaus", the Finnish word for "wisdom", which is pronounced exactly like "Vsauce".
  • Identical Stranger: Simon Whistler, another bald, bespectacled, and bearded YouTuber is frequently mistaken for Michael, and vice versa. Whistler has even commented on this in a tweet.
  • Milestone Celebration: Mind Blow episode 100 is treated as this. The intro is a compilation of Kevin's intros, and the episode looks back at a few subjects covered in previous episodes after the episode's subjects were discussed.
  • The Red Stapler: Michael's video titled "The Zipf Mystery" at one point talks about the word "quizzaciously" (meaning "in a mocking manner"), which is a word that's only appeared once in Google search results, at the time before the video's release. After the video's release, a subreddit was made and the word gained so many mentions all over the 'net.
