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Trivia / Vargverse

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  • Approval of God: On April 30 2022, Joel played Vargverse as part of a charity event. Joel played the Arcade mode and tested certain characters through CPU vs. CPU battles, approving new changes made to his MUGEN character from VHFSMACVUSMRRM, as well the in-game references from past streams.
  • Dummied Out: Joel originally had a move where he summoned a helicopter propeller to strike through his enemies upwards. This was removed on Joel's request, but was re-added to Mr. Kill's moveset, albeit with different name. The old Joel can still be downloaded on Brergsart's old website.
  • I Am Not Spock: Both Jill and DIO represent their Meme House iteration instead of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Resident Evil, respectively.
    • Likewise, Bogan represents his journey on Cyrodiil instead of his Meme House counterpart.
