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Trivia / The Simpsons S28 E8: "Dad Behavior"

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  • Recycled Script: Homer and Bart's plot reflects the Season 4 episode "Brother From the Same Planet," in which Bart spends time with a cooler father figure in response to Homer's Parental Neglect, and Homer reacts by pulling Operation: Jealousy with another kid, with the same Does This Remind You of Anything? subtext of a partner having an affair. Although the kid Homer bonds with winds up being Bart's friend Milhouse, he initially tries to use the same service through which Bart met Matt Leinart—the "Chore Monkey" app—to find a replacement for Bart, just as "Brother From the Same Planet" had him using the "Bigger Brothers" program through which Bart met his older mentor Tom to find his own acolyte.
