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Trivia / The Mark of the Horse Lord

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  • Referenced by...: The Queen's Thief novels by Megan Whalen Turner.
    Word of God: "In most of my books there are, I don’t know what to call them, shout-outs? Easter Eggs? Intertextual allusions? I lifted an entire sentence from a Diana Wynne Jones book and slipped it into The Thief. I stuck in a ring and a cloak pin from Sutcliff’s Roman Britain. I don’t know if anyone ever gets those references, but I put them in as a link to some of the writing that influenced mine."
    The Mark of the Horse Lord, chapter 21: "They had taken his dirk, of course—odd that no one ever thought of a brooch with a pin as thick as a corn stalk and longer than a man’s forefinger as a weapon, even in a camp of the Eagles where they learned, just as one did in the Gladiators’ School, that two inches in the right place were enough."
    The King of Attolia
    , chapter 1: "They had left his cloak pins, his plain everyday one and his fancy one with the amber bead. He had been a little surprised. His good pin was fibula-shaped with a shaft four inches long and thick as a cornstalk. It would be as effective as a sword, if Costis chose to use it. Even the smaller pin would do; two inches in the right place was all it took."
