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Trivia / The Inspectors

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  • Backed by the Pentagon: The show is funded by the United States Postal Service, and Chief Postal Inspector (at the time) Guy Cottrell appears in post-credit stingers speaking about the problem presented in the week's case.
  • California Doubling: The show is set in Washington DC, but is filmed in Charleston, South Carolina.
  • Colbert Bump: The show was fairly obscure until it was featured in a segment on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, where Oliver riciduled the writing and acting, and criticized its failure at finding its presumed target audience, but praised its attempts at raising awareness of the USPIS. Since that segment, most of the comments on the Inspectors YouTube channel are variations of, "Here because of John Oliver."
  • Dawson Casting: Bret Green was 30 years old as of season three, even though Preston is in his early-to-mid 20s. Green also appears in flashbacks as a teenage Preston.
    • Likewise, Emma in "Making Chemistry" was apparently Preston's age, but her actress was 30 when the episode first aired.
