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Trivia / Terminator: Resistance

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  • Fake American: Since the game utilizes a London-based cast, there's naturally a few of these. However, a good portion are American expatriates, most notably Doug Cockle (Colin).
  • Invisible Advertising: Apart from a couple of trailers released close to the game's release, there was basically no advertising to hype up the game.
    • Annihilation Line, the DLC, had been released silently and unannounced in December 2021.
  • Refitted for Sequel: The T-1000's default appearance evidently having been based on a Resistance soldier resembling Robert Patrick seems to be loosely based on a concept for the scrapped Terminator Salvation sequel, where Robert Patrick would have played a scientist that the T-1000 would've based its default appearance on. This concept also appeared in the 1995 Malibu Comic Terminator 2: Nuclear Twilight where the T-1000's default appearance was based on a captured resistance solder. Here though there were two T-1000's using it; the one which was sent back and another that stayed active during the future war.
