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Trivia / Strange Empire

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  • Actor-Shared Background:
    • Cara Gee and Tahmoh Penikett really do have First Nations ancestry (they're of the Ojibwe and White River peoples respectively). However, Kat's half Cree and Caleb is half Blackfoot, so their specific heritage isn't a match.
    • Tattiawna Jones, as well, is mixed Caucasian and Black Canadian like her character.
  • Fake American: US Marshal Caleb Mecredi, who has crossed over from Montana, is played by Canadian Tahmoh Penikett.
  • Fake Nationality: American Melissa Farman played Rebecca Blithely, a Canadian.
  • Trans Character, Cis Actor: Joanna Boland, who plays trans man Morgan Finn, is cisgender.
