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Trivia / Star Wars d20

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  • Keep Circulating the Tapes:
    • As in most RPGA modules of the time, the adventures in the Living Force campaign were officially retired after around two years of activity. Thus, this is the only way to get a hold of the modules today.
    • The books themselves have been long out of print, and it's unlikely for Fantasy Flight to do a retro-themed released like they did the WEG version of the game.
    • The web articles that Wizards put out were also removed once the license ended, making file sharing the only way to get them, outside of the Internet Archive.
  • Marth Debuted in "Smash Bros.": Since all of the Living Force modules were out of distribution at the time of the fourth module of Dawn of Defiance, several of those who played were unaware that Raik was a villain fought (and told outright in the module to be killed) in the Living Force campaign five years earlier.
