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Trivia / Space Pirate Captain MacTaggart

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In general:

  • Ascended Fanfic: This story started out as a Fan Fic of the now-defunct The Space Gypsy Adventures, after which the characters that were originally created were transplanted into this story.
  • Creator's Favorite:
    • For Craig Black, his favorite is Kyoko.
    • Jacob Elmer's favorite is Alasdair, since they share similarities (being guitar players and fans of trains and railroads).
    • Jordann Edwards' absolute favorite is Blackmask (he helped develop her, after all).
    • Elizabeth Mogan doesn't have a favorite per se...she does like Captain Jaws, though.
  • God Does Not Own This World:
    • There has been some infighting in regards to how the creators should be credited. This has led to Elizabeth backing out completely, because she never has done anything for (nor does she want anything to do with) the project. Jake has been having problems with depression and began to wave the pros and cons of leaving the series, all because he was told he wasn't important (though they were unaware that he was). Jordann, wanting to focus on The Dynamite Twins And Friends, decided to leave as well. At one point, he made a last-ditch effort to working with Craig and Jake to bring the Broad Strokes of the original story into the Color World Universe canon. He tried bringing all of their ideas together to make one cohesive setting.
    • But the creative differences truly came in when Jordann made a blog post revealing that there were a ton of different ideas in this series that clashed with one another. After a long chat with Craig, he decided to call off the Tails franchise, dissolving the partnership in the process.

For the animated series:

Assorted trivia:

  • There were three soundtracks considered for this (and the overall Tails franchise); one from Craig, one from Jordann, and one from Jake.
