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Trivia / Shounen Hollywood

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  • Defictionalization: Shounen Hollywood does have a real life version, launched as "Zen the Hollywood" in 2013, and then rebranded as "Zen the Hollywood 80's" in 2017. By that year, they got a junior division, but the main group had its members slowly dwindle down from seven to four members. The group had their last major concert in 2018, and as of 2019, their fate is currently in limbo.
  • Fan Community Nicknames: Oranges/Future Oranges.
  • No Export for You: Want to read the original ShoHolly's story? How about the anime's sequel novel and manga? None of these things are translated for international audiences. HOLLY STAGE FOR 51 was especially lost for a good while, as only ShoHolly's official fanclub had access to the story until their fansite shut down and the audio book was released in 2020. The only thing that managed to escape was the anime itself and the full version of "HOLLY STAGE FOR YOU", which saw a DVD release and a premiere respectively, but with subs only.
