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Trivia / Renegade Kid

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  • Awesome, Dear Boy: The first Dementium game was made because those at the company were big fans of Silent Hill 2, also because of the lack of horror games on the DS.
    • Similarly, Mutant Mudds was done because they had wanted to make a 2-D platformer for years.
  • Creator's Oddball: Averted. One would think that a company known for first-person shooters doing racing games and light-hearted 2-D platformers would be a little odd, but Renegade Kid's titles became so diverse it really didn't matter.
  • Development Hell: Treasurenauts, oh boy! The game was originally announced to be released on the Nintendo 3DS in 2014, but it kept being delayed due to other projects. Luckily, the game seems to have become Atooi's top priority, and will be released on the Nintendo Switch at some point.
  • Late Export for You: As mentioned on the YMMV page, the company had an odd problem with their games getting European releases.
  • What Could Have Been: At one point, RK offered to develop a Nintendo 3DS version of Mighty No. 9, although nothing came of it (and no reason has been given as to why).
