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Trivia / Hawkeye (2021) Episode 5 "Ronin"

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  • Actor-Inspired Element: Florence Pugh loves hot sauce, so once she found a bottle in the set, she made sure to add it to the Kate/Yelena scene. By contrast, Hailee Steinfeld hates hot sauce, so the ad-lib of Yelena waiting until Kate is done to deluge the pan with it also qualifies.
  • Throw It In!: Yelena finding only a single fork and scolding Kate Bishop over her lack of proper cutlery was improvised dialogue from Florence Pugh, with Hailee Steinfeld reacting, and was due to COVID protocols dictating that the actresses couldn't share utensils for the mac and cheese scene and the props department scrambling to find a second fork but only being able to get a plastic one.
