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Trivia / Grand Theft Auto Advance

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  • Disowned Adaptation: While Rockstar Games does list Grand Theft Auto Advance on their website, the fact that it's just a sly mention makes it seem likely telling when they consider Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories as the canon prequel. The fact that it was developed primarily by an external studio and that the game's principal characters did not appear in later games makes it seem doubtful that the game was part of the 3D era canon at all.
  • Dummied Out:
    • Several vehicles that were originally in Grand Theft Auto III. They can only be spawned by either cheats or by blowing too many vehicles at once. Most of these vehicles use the Brit sprite.
    • An oil slick weapon was planned for this game. The only remnants of it are through Game Shark codes and a HUD.
  • What Could Have Been: This game went through a lot of changes during its development:
    • Originally, this was going to be a port of GTA 3, before it went through a developer shuffle.
    • Two-player options were also planned, but they were cut out at the last minute.
    • The Import/Export Garage, Stunt Jumps and Phil's Surplus were all planned before they were removed.
    • Several missions were planned before they were cut out.
