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Trivia / Going Overboard

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  • Bury Your Art: Adam Sandler hates this movie just as much as everyone else, so much so in fact that it's nowhere to be found in his filmography on his official website. He somehow even managed to get the guide listings to remove his name, making it look like he did an unusually long cameo role.
  • Creator Backlash:
    • Phineas and Ferb creator Dan Povenmire did the opening credits animation and has a blink and you miss it cameo. He does not look back on this fondly.
    • If director/co-writer Valerie Breiman's comments in later interviews are anything to go by, she doesn't even acknowledge this movie as part of her filmography either.
  • Creator Couple:
    • At the time the film was made, writer-director Valerie Breiman was married to Adam Rifkin, who played Croaker and did some work on the screenplay.
    • Similarly, Billy Zane pops up for a couple of brief appearances as Neptune, likely because he was at the time married to Lisa Collins, who played Miss Australia.
  • Irony as She Is Cast: The movie is a celebration of the clean comic, and a condemnation of shock humor. Its leading man very quickly became synonymous with the latter—even duing a duet with Triumph The Insult Comic Dog titled "You Gotta Work Blue."
  • Throw It In!: The ship this was filmed on was also the same ship that was sending contestants to the Miss Universe pageant in Cancun, part of what explains why there's so many models in this movie.
