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Trivia / God Friended Me

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  • Troubled Production: The Grand Finale. Production was shut down by the COVID-19 Pandemic, which led to the finale being largely held together by various monologues by Miles, interspersed with old footage and what they were able to film before shutting down. It's still one heck of a Happy Ending through.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • The original script for the Pilot revealed that Miles had become well-known and received worldwide fame as a result of helping friend suggestions. No such thing happens in the series, and Miles even struggles in the last episode to get a group of people on the subway to rally behind him.
    • After the Grand Finale, the producers revealed some of their plans for Season 3 and the future, had the show been renewed, much of which included material described by Miles in the final monologue. However, their plans also included Jaya getting pregnant and Rakesh becoming a father, which was not touched on in the finale.
  • Word of God:
    • The producers have revealed that Miles reclaiming his faith was not the intention of the climax of the Grand Finale, and that he was just now more open to the idea that God exists.
    • Likewise, the producers never intended to reveal who the "she" was teased at the end of the series. In fact, this footage was originally shot to be featured in a flash-foward in the pilot!
