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  • Dear Negative Reader: While ThirdFang has demonstrated prior issues with critics, they take it to it's logical extreme with this fic. In addition to numerous author notes having them call out critics, one infamous one saying they lack "critical thinking skills", they went as far as to use Chapter 18 as an Author Tract over the complaints about Jasmine being a sex worker, and went on a (self-admitted) drunken rant at their readers at the end of it, and continue to stand by said rant afterwards. It came to a head at the end of Chapter 20, where they write off the critics as "haters" and "bitchers" while stating they will no longer be acknowledging said individuals, making them look like they Can't Take Criticism.
    ThirdFang: As for all my haters and perpetually bitchers out there, I've decided to do what I did with From Fake Dreams when people were still complaining about that: completely ignore you while I continue to write like I don't give a fuck because you guys are likely going to run out of steam LONG before I will… admittedly partially due to my slow update rate. Again, sorry for that.
