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Trivia / Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship

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  • What Could Have Been: According to redandready45, while plaining this story, the basic form was something that he wrestled with for about a year. He wasn't sure what would appeal to people, and how the different worlds could be properly merged. These are the various other ideas he had for a crossover that, while ultimately didn't make the final cut, he felt could be worthy stories on their own.
    • Sunset ended up in Dimmsdale and became both Timmy's evil babysitter and magic-coveting, megalomaniacal nemesis.
    • In this story, Timmy never had fairy godparents, and did legitimately find a Stone of Desire. This crossover would be more EG and less FOP.
    • In this story, EG and the Fairly Oddparents are in separate worlds. Timmy is accidentally transported to the EG world after one of Jimmy Neutron's experiments went awry. The experiment also led to Cosmo's wand being fused into Timmy's body.
    • On a blog redandready45 revealed that he had a lot of franchises he consider crossover with Fairly Odd Parents before deciding on Equestria Girls.
      • Totally Spies was his first idea. The premise would be that the Spies would mistake Mr. Turner for being a master thief (because of Timmy wishing for things out of thin air). Alex would infiltrate Mr. Turner's house by pretending to be a babysitter, and form a bond with Timmy.
      • Kids Next Door was his next option. The idea is that Sector V would witness Timmy being severely bullied by Vicky. And as kids devoted to fighting adult tyranny, Timmy would be a kid who would be in most need of their services. Timmy, admiring the mission of the Kids Next Door, would join the organization and use Cosmo and Wanda's magic to defeat bad guys.
      • But both franchises don't work because both the Spies and Sector V couldn't encounter Cosmo and Wanda because they were a non-magical faction.
      • His next idea was Teen Titans. Again, Timmy's use of magic would draw the attention of the Titans. The idea of an outsider thinking that Timmy came across a dangerous magical artifact emerged, with one of the Titans going uncover to remove "the Stone" from Timmy. The idea is that either Raven or Starfire would be his babysitter. But while he loved Teen Titans as a kid, he didn't know if he could properly re-create the tone of the show while mixing it with FOP.
