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Trivia / Doctor Who S32 E12 "Closing Time"

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  • Completely Different Title: The French title is "Tournée d'adieux" (Farewell Tour).
  • Billing Displacement: Despite only appearing in a 30-second cameo, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill receive star billing as Amy and Rory anyway.
  • Deleted Scene: A scene where a warehouseman is killed by a Cyberman while putting together a mannequin was cut.
  • Reality Subtext: James Corden was about to become a father in Real Life.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Gareth Roberts' first draft was much different. The disappearances had been happening over decades, always in the same shopping area. This was because of a dormant Cyberscout calling themselves "the Guardian". They had been repeatedly reawakened to replace their failing cybernetics and replace them with human organs. By now, it was completely human, it was now protecting Colchester from the Cybermen beneath the area, before Craig’s deactivation of the Guardian caused them to return. The Doctor would’ve defeated the Cybermen through either a wrecking ball or in a later script, uploading the Guardian's humanized personality into the Cybermenx
    • Craig and Sophie's child was originally a girl, first named Grace and later Tess.
  • Working Title: Carry-On Lodging, Everything Must Go, Three Cybermen and a Baby and The Last Adventure.
  • You Look Familiar: Lynda Baron previously played Captain Wrack and sang "The Ballad of the Last Chance Saloon".
