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Trivia / Chrysalis (RinoZ)

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  • Australian Accent: The Magpei are a blatant parody of the broadest possible Australian accent. Note that the author is Australian, so Anthony's lines like, "They're just...just so annoying," are tongue-in-cheek.
    [Eyyyy, EYYYY! Waddaya think YOU'RE doin 'ere?!]
    [Floatin' up to our island, ey? No WINGS, ey? Flamin' ground bound chumps, EY?]
    [Whattarya lookin' at, MATE? Think you’re all special, lookin' in every direction at once, you insect-y BUG thing? Come up 'ere and I'll show you who's special, MATE!]
    [You drongos think you're gonna be welcome up on OUR island? You better think again! Ey? EYYYYYYY?!]
  • Word of God: The story was inspired by So I'm a Spider, So What?, but without the extraordinarily rapid growth and apotheosis of later chapters.
    I just felt that my favourite part of that novel was the start, where she explores the Labyrinth and tries to survive. I thought, "What if the whole novel had been like that?"
