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Trivia / Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2E3 "School Hard"

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  • Completely Different Title:
    • Finnish: Kovaa Koulua (Tough School)
    • Brazilian Portuguese: A Escola da Pesada (The school of tough)
    • German: Elternabend mit Hindernissen (Parent-Teacher Conference with obstacles)
    • French: Attaque à Sunnydale (Attack in Sunnydale)
  • Creator's Favorite Episode: James Marsters named this as one of his favourite episodes:
    I will always have a soft spot in my heart for "School Hard" which is my first episode. That was an intense experience, and it was such a good one because I felt from the very first scene that it was working. That the character fit well, and it gave me a lot of room to maneuver—I was having a lot of fun exploring Spike. There is a saying in theatre that it's called a play for a reason. The audience isn't going to pay the actor to just walk; they are paying to watch an actor play. You’ve got to have fun, or it’s worth nothing. Even if you’re doing a really sad play, having fun is the center of it, and I was having a blast.
  • Deleted Scene:
    • Spike's line was cut from the original script for length:
      "Would it kill ya, a little mouthwash every couple hundred years?"
    • Xander's line was cut from the original script for length:
    "The important thing in punch is the ratio of vodka to schnapps.... That was obviously far too sophisticated a joke for this crowd."
    • An exchange between Buffy and Giles was cut from the original script for length:
      Buffy: I don't suppose this is something about happy squirrels?
      Giles: Vampires.
      Buffy: That was my next guess.
  • First Appearance: Of Spike and Drusilla.
