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Tear Jerker / Venom (2018)

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  • The Venom symbiote's self-sacrifice for the sake of Eddie's life. Granted, it turned out to be a Disney Death, but hot damn was it still powerful!
  • Eddie really did love Anne, back when they were engaged. But despite that, he let his pride and impulsiveness blind him when the opportunity to expose Drake reared its head, at the price of ruining Anne's career as well. When Anne calls him out on what he did, again, he's too proud to apologize for 'doing the right thing', and she ends their engagement in a broken-heartbeat.
  • Eddie's whole life after getting fired. While he's better off than his comic counterpart (who had cancer and was planning to kill himself), the montage of his repeated and failed attempts to find new employment can hit home for anyone struggling to find work. What's worse is that, unlike his comic counterpart who partly deserved his downfall by writing sensationalist articles about a fake serial killer, this Eddie was honestly trying to expose a genuinely unethical corporation, and paid dearly for it.
    • In one scene, Eddie is so blinded with depression and anger that he vents this all out to Dora Skirth, blaming Drake for all of it. If Eddie didn't snap out of it later on, he would've gained an obsession with the bastard the same way as he traditionally does with Spider-Man.
  • The homeless man getting killed by Carlton Drake's symbiotes. Not to mention all of his other victims who fell for the whole trap — especially his callous murder of Dr. Skirth.
    • Poor Dr. Skirth's death is especially heart-breaking when you consider she had two children, and it's implied they're the world to her. So not only does she lose her life, her kids also lose their mother.
    • Another of Drake's victims is Maria, Eddie's homeless friend. The moment Eddie recognizes her in the cell, he immediately tries to free her even though he was told not to touch anything. Unfortunately, she doesn't make it out alive.
  • The car ride to the hospital after the SWAT incident. "And you feel sad, do you not, Eddie? When you are with her?" Eddie puts on a neutral face, but between him and Venom, there are no secrets. Poor Eddie can't even tune him out. "Get out of my head, man," he says in a quiet, miserable, defeated rasp. Talk about needing a hug.
  • At the end of the movie, Eddie refuses to make a move on Anne, though he still has feelings for her. Why? Because Dan pretty much saved his life by getting him to a hospital and running tests on him. He can't break the man's trust for going the extra mile.
