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Tear Jerker / Tales of the Jedi

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  • Nomi Sunrider's husband being murdered by a group of random thugs for no reason whatsoever certainly qualifies. Especially since they're Happily Married.
  • Ulic killing Cay, and his subsequent My God, What Have I Done? in the end of The Sith War Issue 5.
  • Also, Ulic's death in the arms of Nomi and Vima, and his spirit joining the Force as a Jedi Master after all in Redemption issue 5.
    • Made even worse by the circumstances. He doesn't go out in a blaze of glory, or sacrifice himself to save someone, or even die peacefully of old age. He's shot in the back by some punk who thinks killing the legendary Ulic Qel-Droma will gain him fame and glory.
  • Master Ooroo's death in The Fall of the Sith Empire issue 4.
