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Tear Jerker / Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

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  • Sam overhears a lot of the bad guys talking to each other, joking, talking about the game's current events, even about sports. A few of them even talk about how frightened they are when Sam puts a knife under their throat, and how they do not want to die. Only rarely do they say or do anything particularly inhumane or cruel. They really are, for the most part guys doing a job like you or me. And sometimes—especially if you screw up—they have to die. Guess who has to do it?
    • There's one particularly sad story in the first level, when during a thunderstorm, a Peruvian guerrilla talks to one of his buddies about how his family was killed during a thunderstorm when he was a child, supposedly by U.S. special forces. When Fisher interrogates him, the guerrilla gets all emotional.
  • Douglas Shetland's betrayal. It is obvious that Sam is trying very hard not to believe that his old friend could actually be a part of all that has been going on. He's stoic about it and tries to find alternate explanations until he simply can't deny it anymore.
  • Sam watching his former commanding officer and hundreds of other sailors die during a news broadcast.
  • Bruce Morgenholt's torture and murder. Brilliant a man as he was, he was still just an ordinary guy sold out by his protectors in order to obtain information they would later use to start the war in East Asia. When Fisher is sent to rescue him from his kidnappers, we are treated to the grisly scene of him being repeatedly electrocuted as he is pleading for his life. By the time Fisher reaches him, there's nothing more he can do for him. Especially sobering is when Fisher cuts him from his restraints and places his body gently in the tub, not content to leave him "hanging like a piece of meat" in such an undignified way. Fisher is sure not to show any mercy to the man who gave the order to kill Morgenholt once he catches up with him.
  • Abrahim Zherkezhi's murder at the hands of Douglas Shetland. Like Morgenholt, he had no idea what his knowledge was actually being used for, being made into an Unwitting Pawn for the true architects of the Asian conflict. At first made out to be a willing collaborator, he becomes another victim in the conspiracy when he starts asking too many questions.
