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Tear Jerker / Shiki

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  • Tohru's death. Everyone is gutted by this, given that he was genuinely a nice guy. The development is also haunting.
  • Sotoba burning to the ground.
  • The scene where Hasegawa has to Mercy Kill Nao and the last other Shiki from the tunnels rather than let them burn alive in the sunrise.
  • Megumi's death, especially in the anime. Alas, Poor Scrappy would be an understatement.
  • Even Megumi's first death is portrayed heartbreakingly, with her father breaking down at the thought of his daughter undergoing an autopsy, Toshio is clearly haunted by his failure to save a child and Kaori is utterly grief-stricken over the situation(Which is made far harsher in hindsight when Shiki Megumi puts her through hell). Unlike her second death, Megumi at this point was mostly a decent young woman who had her life ahead of her before being killed as opposed to the bloodthirsty psychopath she became after rising from the grave, had she never been turned into a Shiki it is more than likely she never would have ended up that way.
  • Tohru's and Ritsuko's death is arguably one of the saddest in the series.
  • Hell, the last couple of scenes that feature Tohru and Ritsuko in general. To see Tohru, who used to be such a squeaky-clean, wholesome nice guy, order Ritsuko to kill Yasuyo, her coworker and friend, insist that he will kill Yasuyo if Ritsuko doesn't, and at one point actually attack Ritsuko when she tries to help Yasuyo escape is heartrending!
  • Kyoko's death scene. She had no idea why her own husband, Toshio, was conducting such horrible experiments on her, and eventually staking her. Her crying is soul crushing to listen to.
  • Kaori asking Seishin for a posthumous name is utterly heartbreaking. Break the Cutie doesn't even begin to cover what she goes though.
  • Both of Natsuno's deaths are heartbreaking, the first being him reluctantly accepting that he'll die at the hands of his best friend and the second being a noble and heroic sacrifice. Poor guy couldn't catch a break despite easily being one of the most moral characters in Shiki.
  • Sunako's teary breakdown near the end when she realizes the villagers will likely kill her is heartbreaking to watch as she talks about how scared she is and that she can be easily killed. Even if she's the main antagonist, its a rather humanizing moment for her
  • While some of the Shinki such as Tatsumi are shown to be rather sadistic, some of the others are shown to be rather decent when they aren't eating people, best shown by the loveable Tohru and genuinely affable Sunako who clearly aren't happy about what they have to do to survive. Instead of being shown to be an awesome ability, being a Shiki seems more like a horrible eternal curse.
