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Tear Jerker / Romeo and Juliet (1968)

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  • The music as Juliet dies.
  • The Love Theme, What Is A Youth/A Time For Us (they were also covered by Andy Williams and Josh Groban). The lyrics are incredibly melancholic once you put them in context with the story. A world of shining hope for you and me..."
  • The ending to the film, and how.
    • For added heartstrings tugging, we see the reactions of Benvolio and the Nurse to the deaths (neither are in the final scene in the play). As they prepare to go to the funeral, they walk side by side, and the Nurse strokes his hair affectionately. Directly after that, the servants Balthasar and Peter embrace each other and start weeping.
    • And it is even sadder when you realize the clothes they wear in the funeral scene are the same ones they wore when they were married.
  • In this version, when the Nurse tells Juliet to essentially forget Romeo and marry Paris to make life easier - Juliet has a look on her face that shows she can't really comprehend what she's just heard. The Nurse has been her closest friend and confidante - as well as a Shipper on Deck for the lovers. Now when Juliet is at her lowest, even the Nurse agrees with her father. You can tell how utterly betrayed Juliet feels, and it's this that means the Nurse isn't told about the fake poison plan.
  • Before Romeo departs for Mantua, there's an added scene of him mounting his horse and saying goodbye to a tearful Benvolio. No wonder the poor guy is crying; one of his best friends died the other day, and now his closest cousin has to leave as well.
  • When Tybalt realizes he's stabbed Mercutio, unlike most versions he actually looks horrified. This suggests the swordfight was only a bit of banter between them, and he never intended to actually hurt anyone. He's just a kid as well and has to comprehend that he's just killed someone.
