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Tear Jerker / Possessed

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The fanfiction:
We know, SMG2. We know...

Being a fanfiction based around SMG1 getting Possessed, there are going to be tears to be shed.

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  • In general, seeing a character like SMG1 getting his life completely torn apart by a demon is heartbreaking. Everything the poor meme guardian goes through just makes you wanna give him a big hug.
  • SMG2, full stop. Imagine having to deal with your older brother being possessed, and being unable to do anything about it.
  • 01-748 can be seen as one in Author Acceleration Edition, oddly enough. Considering the racism and bullying he and his species has to go through, it could make you feel bad for the guy.

    Chapter by Chapter 

Chapter One: How Things went Wrong

  • SMG1's first instinct upon realizing he's getting Possessed is to try and get Tari to leave the room so he doesn't hurt her. Unfortunately, he transforms right in front of her, and 01-1 ends up cutting a zero into her arm, which leads to...

Chapter Two: A Not-So Swift Recovery

Chapter Four: A Mediocre At Best Party

Chapter Five: A Party-Crashing Aftermath

Chapter Six: Smokes and Stabs

Chapter Seven: Family Reunion

Chapter Eight: Hanging Out with 01

Chapter Nine: My Favorite Ritual

Chapter Ten: A Battle of The Demons

Chapter Eleven: Aftermath

    Author Acceleration Edition 
