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Tear Jerker / Nahuel and the Magic Book

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Nahuel And The Magic Book

  • The opening scene of the film. Antonio and Consuelo, two lovers in the island of Chiloe, heading straight to the nearby hospital. However, as Consuelo suffers more and her husband to stop the ship, Antonio gives the locket to her and hugs her one last time before she passed away and their newborn son, Nahuel, is born
  • Antonio gives up his son up to Nahuel's aunt in Puerto Mont
  • When Nahuel saw the picture of his mom and dad, he asked his father about his mom and as he continue to ask him, his hand start to shake and nervously answers, still can't let go of his wife's passing.
  • After the storm struck down the ship, Nahuel blame no-one but himself for stealing the Levisterio in the first place and let his father in trouble.
  • Trauco and the entire customers in the tavern, laugh and taunt at him, still can't believe that this young boy fights the most dangerous wizard in all of Chiloe.
  • As the malevolent Kalku got the hands of the Levisterio by a backstabbing Elzaino, Nahuel along with Ruende in Trauco's home, cries and he feels so hopeless that he cannot save his father withoout the book.
    • Not only that, Trauco mocks him again and call him a crying child.
    • He also admits he's a coward and a weakling, and as for that, Trauco, despite the myths, redeem himself and helps out the kid.
  • As Nahuel got straggled by Antonio, who got controlled by Kalku, he grabs and stares at the locket and as it opens, it shows the picture of him and his fallen wife. Then, the flashback sets in a sunny day in a seahore. Consuelo calls his name and laughs, remember her fallen lover's smile. As he looks at it, he cries and falls down and he calls not only Consuelo, but also his son getting the My God, What Have I Done?. Nahuel, look down to him, he put his hand on his shoulder and told he's here. His father is in tears with joy as he immedietly hugs his son and glad his alive. When he cries, Nahuel apologize and took all of the blame himself and he shouldn't steal the book in the first place, but as for that. Antonio, ever since his first interaction thoughout the film, also apologize for being a bad father and as for now on, he's now begun to how to love his son the same way he did to his wife as they look each other in the eyes and smiled.
    • "Dad, it's my fault. I did something that I shouldn't have done and to cause all of this... I'm sorry."
      • "No, son. The only one who apologize is me. Sorry for not having a better father to you, Nahuel... I love you so much, son."
