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Tear Jerker / Munchausen (2013)

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  • As with most mothers, the nameless mother here is hesitant at the idea of her only child leaving the nest. Unfortunately for her, she resorts to drastic measures to make him stay a little longer which leads to tragic consequences.
  • Despite succeeding at giving her son the antidote, the son succumbs to the sickness she caused.
  • The mother attempting to run after her son's coffin only to be held back by her husband. She has a broken smile plastered across her face, and feebly extends out her hand, as if to subconsciously apologize to her deceased son.
  • The son's death. When his condition gets worse, he tries to assure his mother that there wasn't anything wrong.
  • Just the fact that the son had a full and happy life set out for him only for it to be dashed because his mother was too selfish to let him leave.
