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Tear Jerker / More than My Friend

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The More than My Friend series contains a lot of heartbreaking moments. Spoilers unmarked!

More Than My Friend

  • Poor Mac already had a rough home life (Disappeared Dad, busy mom, Big Brother Bully). But once Terrence gets hooked on weed and ropes his little brother into working for his dealer, things get even worse. The poor kid lives in fear for his life, he's beat up constantly, and he even feels he has to dissolve some of his friendships in order to keep his brother's secret.
  • Frankie knows that something is going on, and her reaction to seeing Mac being beaten up by a bunch of teenagers is as much a Moment of Awesome as it is heartbreaking.

Falling Apart:

  • Mac's mother and Terrence (sort of) died. Mac has lost the only biological family he had left, and he's in the middle of a Heroic Blue Screen of Death when Frankie and Bloo get to the police station. The fact that he's taken to an orphanage and not allowed contact from Frankie, Bloo, or anyone at Foster's is another gut-punch.
  • Frankie and Bloo are completely miserable and in shut-down mode the whole time that Mac's at the orphanage. It's...not easy to read.
  • Mr. Herriman had always been a bit of a Bad Boss to Frankie, but he crosses the line when he accidentally brings up her Dark and Troubled Past as if it were no big deal. To his credit, he later realizes how badly he messed up, works to fix it, and is noticeably nicer in all further appearances.
  • Apparently, after leaving Jordan and living homeless for a while, Wilt was contemplating suicide. Before he could actually go through with it, though, he saw the car accident that killed Frankie's parents, fishing her out of the car before she could be killed.
  • Wilt is almost adopted (against his will) right when Frankie needs him the most.

Wishing Only Wounds The Heart:

  • Terrence was a homeless amnesiac in all of the time since the car accident that killed his mother. Sure, he was a complete Jerkass to pretty much everyone, but it's still hard to think of a thirteen-year-old living homeless on the streets.
  • Mac's reaction to seeing Terrence again after several months. The poor kid is hysterical. What's worse is that neither Frankie nor Mr. Herriman believe him.
  • Mac getting beaten up by Terrence and his friends just because he had the audacity to be adopted into a healthy, stable home.
  • Mac had developed asthma, and has a heart condition that makes his condition potentially fatal. Everyone reacts to this differently, but their collective reactions are still heart-breaking.
  • Mac starts dying, with only Wilt being around to get him to the hospital. As if this wasn't bad enough, Wilt is told that, as he's the only family present at the moment, whether or not to terminate Mac's life is his decision.
  • Terrence being reassured by Goo that Mac was never mad at him. This not only trigger's Terrence's official Heel–Face Turn, but is what convinces him to donate his heart to save Mac, a procedure that kills him.


  • Frankie has moments where she feels as though she's not a good parental figure for Mac (as she's twenty-two with a dead end job, not much life experience, and is prone to emotional outbursts). While she's always told otherwise, it's still a little hard to read.
  • As a little girl, Frankie was bullied by the other kids for living at Foster's. It wasn't until Wilt started asking Eduardo to walk Frankie to and from school that they finally stopped.
