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Tear Jerker / Kid Time Storytime

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  • The beginning to the reading of A Little Spot of Kindness has Doug crying because he'd heard that people did "bad things" because "a man did something bad to another man". While it's not outright said, this is implied to be his limited perception of the George Floyd protests.
  • Saturdays are for Stella is already a sad book, but the video for it even has the Storyteller getting emotional over the death of Stella, which reminds her of how her grandfather died when she was a kid, and it ends on Green Bear crying about it and Abuela Bear cheering him up by saying that she put her love inside him. It's sad seeing a normally cocky young boy brought to tears.
  • The reading for Dodos are Not Extinct (They're Just in Disguise) ends on Eileen dropping all jokes to talk about how some species died out due to human activity.
  • While the video for The Jester Has Lost His Jingle is mainly happy, there's a very sad scene at the end, where the Storyteller explains that the author died of cancer but stayed happy until his death.
