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Tear Jerker / Juan dela Cruz

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  • Juan was ostracized by the townsfolk of San Juan Bautista who viewed him as a devil due to his superhuman abilities. Juan was a mischiveous but good hearted misunderstood kid.
  • Father Cito was killed by a thief, Juan later moves to Manila with the priest's sister Belen.
  • Rosario finds out that Pepe is his real father. She eventually finds out that his father gave her to her adopted parents to give her a chance to live a normal life. But when Rosario finally get along with her real father, who someday dreams to live a normal life with her daughter, Pepe was turned into an aswang and was killed by Juan out of duty.
  • Kael fell into despair when Rosario dumped him and felt that his father favors Juan over him after finding out that Juan is the real Anak ng Dilim. Kael's ultimate reason to live is to win the approval of his father.
  • Samuel Alejandro dies. It is even worse that he died at the hands of his own wife, Laura. Laura was possesed by Peru-ha at that time though. Samuel finally acknowledges his fatherly feelings for his son, Juan. His death broke the hearts of some fans who expected Samuel to live with Juan in the ending. His death was kinda expected though as he have survived multiple attempts by people to kill him.
  • Peru-ha felt that his father didn't love her. She felt that this is the reason why his brother Mana-on was chosen to succeed his father's throne and not her.
