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Tear Jerker / Good Wilt Hunting

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  • While waiting at a bus station, Wilt finds an umbrella that someone left behind. He takes it to the lost and found, and ends up finding a small imaginary friend there named Foofy Woogums. Her family had been at the station, but she got lost and has been waiting for them for months. Thankfully turns into a heartwarming moment when Wilt takes a detour out of his trip to help take her home.
    • Worse, when did Foofy's family lose her? Christmas.
    • Just before Wilt finds Foofy, he starts looking through some of the items in the lost and found, like gloves and a scarf, and notes how lonely they look. It's definitely a personal matter for Wilt, but also offers a look into the perspective of imaginary friends.
      Wilt: Everything wants to belong to somebody, right?
  • The Reveal of Wilt's past. Wilt ran away from his kid Jordan when they lost a basketball game, which they only lost because Wilt moved to save his creator from getting hurt. He thought that Jordan could never forgive him, but it turns out that Wilt's leaving hurt him more than anything, especially once he found out how Wilt saved him and got injured in the process. Wilt spent thirty years believing that Jordan could never forgive him for letting him down, when Jordan spent all that time blaming himself for being so obsessed with winning that it led to his best friend getting injured and driving him away, and the flashback scene at their reunion is heart-wrenching.
    Wilt: I don't understand! Why'd you come to get me? I lost. I let you down.
    Jordan: Let me down? You saved me! I didn't even know until Stats told me. And your arm and your eye? It was all my fault. I looked everywhere for you, but you disappeared. If I hadn't been so obsessed about that game, you never would've never gotten hurt and I never would've lost you! Losing you taught me something; winning isn't everything. Your friends, the people you love, that's the most important. That's worth sacrificing yourself for. I created you to make me a better ball player. But instead, you made me a better person.
  • "I lost."
