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Tear Jerker / Furi

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"Please. Hold my Hand."

As a moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked. as per policy.You Have Been Warned.

  • Most of the fights in the games latter half are with the games hero antagonists and thus end on a particularly somber note, especially on repeat playthroughs when you know The Stranger’s true purpose.
    The Song: This will eat you up inside for the rest of your days.
    • The Edge is killed in a single-stroke duel with The Stranger. While his motivations weren’t inherently heroic, it’s still sad to kill him after he expresses so much respect for The Stranger, and even more so that we don’t ever get to know what our fight taught him.
    • The Beat is brutally impaled after rising one last time despite being too exhausted to fight back. Unlike the other guardians who die fighting or at least with dignity, she’s clearly terrified to die, and begs The Stranger to hold her hand. Even though The Stranger doesn’t do so, the brief glimpse of his face (right) watching The Beat collapse to her knees shows he feels anything but triumphant.
  • The Stranger finally making planetfall. He sees what a beautiful world he’s been sent to and wishes to explore. However the very first step he takes, the area around him starts to rot away.
  • The bad ending, where The Stranger decides to go through with the invasion. There's a shot of The Voice silently kneeling down to hug his daughter as they watch the world burn. He gambled with the world's safety just to see his daughter again, and paid a steep price right after their short-lived reunion.
