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Tear Jerker / Fence

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  • Nicholas's life before attending Kings Row counts. Having been long abandoned by his father and neglected by a mother with a string of boyfriends in her wake, Nicholas had no one to turn to and mostly kept to himself. Only fencing served as a form of escapism for him and even that didn't provide much comfort when he came to realize how far out of depth he was.
  • Before Nicholas can even prepare for his first match, he gets accosted by a group of fencers led by Kyle who is later revealed to be his cousin. Knowing this adds another layer of bitterness to the drama that is Nicholas's family life.
  • Upon being handed his first crushing defeat by Seiji, Nicholas is later seen weeping alone while still living in his dilapidated apartment room. Fortunately, things start to look up for him after he receives a scholarship to his new school.
  • While it's not obvious at first, it's all but certain that something happened between Seiji and Jesse that led to their falling out.
  • Even if Jay isn't all that sympathetic for some readers, one can't help but feel for him when Aiden cruelly tears his heart into pieces.
  • The night before the actual tryouts, Nicholas is seen talking alone to a portrait of his father, wondering if he'll ever be able to live up to his legacy.
  • Kally and Tanner losing his last chance of staying with the fencing team. It's especially hurtful for Kally who fondly remembers all the wonderful things he and the team did together last year. Fortunately, that doesn't stop them from trying to welcome the new members in their secret clubhouse.
  • During Jesse's surprise visit to Kings Row, a bitter Nicholas watches his half-brother duel with Seiji, reminding him that he's still too weak to catch up to both of them.
  • Nicholas imagining the kind of life his father and half-brother had without him. It's clear where he got his "Well Done, Son" Guy issues from.
  • Aiden tries to hide his heartbreak upon learning that Harvard agreed to go on a date with Marcel from Exton. It seems to be a recurring pattern for him back when Harvard had been dating other people throughout the years.
