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Tear Jerker / Chupa

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Being a fantasy Netflix film, there's bound to be some heart-wrentching moments. And, of course, Netflix doesn't fail to deliver.

  • The opening scene, where Quinn chases the adult chupacabra, seriously wounding it (albeit indirectly) and forcing it to stash its cub in a safe place. You can almost imagine Chupa thinking Don't Leave Me.

  • The scene near the end where Alex has to say goodbye to Chupa is particularly gut-wrentching.

  • The moment when Alex accidently injures Chava during their Lucha Libre match by pushing him over a piece of wood. Alex does nothing but stands there, clearly horrified at what he had done.

  • The second time Quinn captures Chupa after the latter saves Alex from falling to his death: Alex and the rest of his family can do nothing as Quinn tranquilises the creature and takes it with him to his car. Alex is clearly heartbroken at one of his closest friends being taken away from him, giving of a few little nos, and calling out to Chupa.
    • Although Chava tries his best to reassue Alex that they tried their best to protect Chupa, even he's clearly distraught that there was no way of helping him.
